August 2023

July 2023

Hegel biography Version 1.09

April 2021

Original Hegel Books

Website improvements

In the triangles, you can now switch between the various language versions by hotkeys

Also, you can now switch the level of the triangle with these hotkeys

(You may need to clear your cache in order for this to work)

This is an experimental feature. We may need some of the hotkeys for other purposes later. Also, depending on your browser, some of the hotkeys may have already other usages in your browser.

October 2020

On Hegelians

Improved articles:

September 2020

Website improvements


New Resources:

New triangles:

Primary Sources

Kai’s Hegel workshop - Logic and metaphysics, basic concepts

NEW articles:

(Pls. note that the following article, like all Hegel workshop articles, are first translations of older articles from Kai Froeb’s “Hegel Workshop” (Hegel Werkstatt). They claim to be inspired by and compatible with Hegel’s philosophy, but in no way do they cover all aspects of Hegel’s thoughts on the subject. Instead, I (Kai) try to develop a fresh argumentation in my own words, without too much quotes from Hegel. So all possible errors are from myself. I hope you find them helpful anyway. In any case, I’d like to hear your feedback).

August 2020

This month, the 27th of August, we celebrate Hegel’s 250th birthday. Happy birthday Hegel!

New triangles:

July 2020

Website improvements


Primary Sources


Kai’s Hegel workshop - Logic and metaphysics, basic concepts

NEW articles:

(Pls. note that the following three articles, are first translations of older articles from Kai Froeb’s “Hegel Workshop” (Hegel Werkstatt). They claim to be inspired by and compatible with Hegel’s philosophy, but in no way to cover all aspects of Hegel’s thoughts on the subject. Instead, I (Kai) try in my own words to develop a fresh argumentation, without too much quotes from Hegel. So all possible errors are from myself. I hope you find them helpful anyway. In any case, I’d like to hear your feedback).

Hegel’s Life

NEW articles:

Changed articles:

Works of Hegel

NEW articles:

On Hegelians

NEW articles: