Karl Rosenkranz's 'Life of Hegel' 20/24 - The Hegelian School and its Proselytism
(The article below is reproduced at hegel.net with the kind permission of its author, Stephen Cowley . It first appeared 02/2013 on the hegel.net Hegel mailing list and was published 06/2013 as article with the pictures below on his blog ‘Hegelian News & Reviews’ )
This post outlines the influence exercised by Hegel on and through
his former students in his Berlin period. The information is drawn from
Karl Rosenkranz's
Hegels Leben
(1844), the first major
biography of Hegel.
BOOK THREE BERLIN - Chapter Thirteen - The School and its Proselytism
Insensibly, Hegel acquired power. It became the accepted thing to
hear his words, which he spoke, not without pain, from the professorial
chair bustling with papers. He acquired hearers, not only from Germany
and Poland, but from Greece and Scandinavia. Some came to hear him with
the idea that being able to "Hegelianise" would help them win a position
via the ear of the Minister or one of his counsellors, but for the most
part the enthusiasm was genuine.
Berlin lends itself to the creation of "schools" and such a one emerged
in Hegel's case more than was desirable. It is inevitable that the
creator of a system should draw hearers amongst those still forming
their ideas. Beyond that, the reports Hegel had written for the Minister
of Public Instruction, on:
- Philosophy Teaching in the Gymnasium
- The Logics of Esser and Calker
These contributed to his air of authority. (see Hoffmeister's
Berliner Schriften
for these reports.) So did his opposition to
Beneke's appointment and support for Boumann's appointment and of a
faculty prize for Mussmann. Calker and Beneke were pupil and follower of
Fries respectively. Beneke was a theologian who thought psychology the
basis of the sciences and who followed Schleiermacher. Ludwig
later edited the
Philosophy of Spirit
(SW7) and jointly with Förster the
Vermischte Schriften
Opponents and original thinkers were dismissed as "bad particularity".
New ideas were found already in the system and assigned to it as
"moments". Hegelianism was fitted to form a school, for it had:
- a developed system of categories
- a history of philosophy
- an encyclopaedic aspect.
Thus it allowed engagement with a variety of subject matter (through the first and third) and a response to objections from outside, but subsuming them as 'moments' of which the system was the culmination. People were thus called to develop philosophy itself.
"The theologian, the jurist, the naturalist, the linguist, the politician, the historian, the aesthetician; were all called to collaborate in the great work. The master had need of companions , and the companions had the prospect of becoming masters themselves in their specialty." (575)
Such companions included:
, the theologian who knew
, author of
in its Historical and Spiritual Development
(1827); Pohl the
, author of
Christ and World History
the philologist;
; Poley; Veit;
; Mussmann;
; and
Hegel's benevolence, seriousness, exhortations and example all helped
forward scholarship in a variety of fields, which were transformed
significantly though incompletely. It also gave the school a kind of
Some were studious, others more poetic, others narrow journeymen. There
were the considered, the exalted and the empty vessels. When these
latter tried to correct him, he became despotic. They began to discredit
the "Hegelian school", for they had only passively absorbed what in
Hegel had the force of achievement. Friedrich
wrote a satire on this in
1831 in
Winds, or an altogether absolute Construction of World History, composed
using the Horn of Oberon by Absolutus von Hegelingen
. Zeller
consoled Hegel over this comedy, which they both saw. Gruppe became a
philosophy professor after 1844.
[KF: Rosenkranz himself wrote a comedy about the Hegelians and the
fights between the left, centre and right among them in 1840:
centre of the speculation
(in German:
Centrum der Speculation
Allowances made however, even these young hearts felt a new life in
Hegel's doctrines. Rosenkranz writes:
"That the negative is an immanent determination of the Absolute itself; and for this sole reason suppressed by it; the knowledge of the necessity of pain for the mind, but also of the mind's power, capable of bearing with contradiction, of overcoming it, of emerging victorious from all struggles, even the hardest, to be reconciled with itself; the certitude that the enjoyment of pure and simple truth is already possible in this life and that the Divine fills also this present reality, on the sole condition of having the eyes and ears of the mind to see and hear it. - This certainly became the principle of the intellectual and moral renaissance of a number of men gravely affected by a vague nostalgia, by the climate of the "beautiful soul", by superstitious belief..." (577-78)
of Kapp and the poems addressed to Hegel by
students on his birthday and other occasions bear witness to this
influence, which was as important as his purely scientific influence.
Rosenkranz reproduces some the poems - reflective, admiring, verging on
the idolatrous at times.
These birthday celebrations reached their height in 1826 and a letter of
Hegel to his family then in Nuremberg describes the event. He sat for a
bust, there was a convivial gathering, gifts were offered, poems read
and music played. Newspaper reports of this, combined with celebrations
of Goethe on the following day (28 August) generated a reaction.