Hegel Poets
Here is a list of Hegelian poets and writers of the 19th century, both German and international, taken from Killy and Wilpert, the two authoritative sources on history of literature in Germany:
- German poetes and writers, mostly from Killy’s Literaturlexikon, some also from Wilpert (see below):
- Gutzkow, Karl (Ferdinand),(also named: E. L. Bulwer), 17. 3. 1811 Berlin - 16. 12. 1878 Frankfurt/M.; Dramatiker, Erzaehler, Journalist.
Hebbel, Christian Friedrich, 18. 3. 1813 Wesselburen/Dithmarschen -
- 1863 Wien [often said to be Hegelian but no real Hegelian]
- Heine, Heinrich, 13. 12. 1797 Duesseldorf - 17. 2. 1856 Paris [heard Hegel and influenced by Hegel but no strict Hegelian]
- Hoelderlin, Johann Christian Friedrich, 20. 3. 1770 Lauffen a. Neckar - 7. 6. 1843 Tuebingen [close friend of Hegel, influenced both Hegel and by Hegel]
- Jung, (Jacob Friedrich) Alexander, 28. 3. 1799 Rastenburg/Ostpreussen - 20. 8. 1884 Koenigsberg. Publizist, Literaturhistoriker, Erzaehler, Lyriker.
- Kuehne, (Ferdinand) Gustav, 27. 12. 1806 Magdeburg - 22. 4. 1888 Dresden. - Literaturkritiker, Journalist, Erzaehler, Dramatiker
- Mundt, Theodor, * 19. 9. 1808 Potsdam - 30. 11. 1861 Berlin - Redakteur, Erzaehler, Herausgeber
- Laube, Heinrich (Rudolf Constanz), also: Alethophilos, Gustav von Plittersburg, A. H. Muehlbaum, Harry Green, 1. 6. 1806 Sprottau/ Schlesien - 1. 8. 1884. Wien - Dramatiker, Dramaturg, Romancier, Novellist, Journalist, Kritiker, Herausgeber.
- Schnaase, Carl (Julius Ferdinand), born 7. 9. 1798 Danzig - 20. 5. 1875 Wiesbaden- Kunsthistoriker [so no writer but historian of fine arts]
- Schubert, Gotthilf Heinrich von (seit 1853), 26. 4. 1780 Hohenstein/Erzgebirge - 1. 7. 1860 Laufzorn/Obb.; Grabstaette: Muenchen, Alter Suedlicher Friedhof. - Arzt, Naturphilosoph, Erzaehler, Reiseschriftsteller [was in contact with Hegel in his time in Nuernberg, more generally influenced by German idealism than by Hegel in particular]
Stahr, Adolf (Wilhelm Theodor), 22. 10. 1804 Prenzlau/Uckermark -
- 1876 Wiesbaden. - Philologe, Literarhistoriker, Erzaehler, Reiseschriftsteller, Uebersetzer.
International (non German) Writers/Poets, mentioned in Wilpert: “Lexikon der Weltliteratur”:
Capuana, Luigi, ital. Schriftsteller, 27. 5. 1839 Mineo/Catania -
- 1915 Catania
Chomjakov, Aleksej Stepanovic, russ. Publizist, 13. 5. 1804 Moskau -
- 1860 Ternovskoe
- Garczynski, Stefan, poln. Dichter, 13. 10. 1805 Kosmowo - 20. 9. 1833 Avignon (studied Philosophy with Hegel in Berlin]
- Geijer, Erik Gustaf, schwed. Dichter, 12. 1. 1783 Ransaeter/Vaermland - 23. 4. 1847 Stockholm
- Grigor’ev, Apollon Aleksandrovic, russ. Lyriker, Kritiker, 1. 8. 1822 Moskau - 7. 10. 1864 Petersburg [at first Hegelian, later more influenced by Schelling]
- Heiberg, Johan Ludvig, daen. Dichter und Kritiker, 14. 12. 1791 Kopenhagen - 25. 8. 1860 Bonderup; [said to be very Hegelian]
- Herzen, (Gercen), Aleksandr Ivanovic (Ps. Iskander), russ. Schriftsteller, 6. 4. 1812 Moskau [some influence by Hegel, but also Schiller, St.Simon, later by Feueberbach, Marx, Garibaldi, Mazzini etc]
Kol’cov, Aleksej Vasil’evic, russ. Lyriker, 15. 10. 1808 Voronez -
- 1842 Voronez [early contacts with russian Hegelians, later more influenced by Schelling]
- Krasinski, Zygmunt Graf, poln. Dichter, 19. 2. 1812 Paris - 23. 2. 1859 Paris [since 1858 influenced by Hegel and Cieszkowski].
- Malmstroem, Bernhard Elis, schwed. Lyriker, 14. 3. 1816 Tysslinge/Oerebro - 21. 6. 1865 Uppsala [swedish Hegelian, prof. foer aetsteics, history of fine arts and history of literatire in Stockholm]
- Oriani, Alfredo, ital. Schriftsteller, 27. 7. 1852 Faenza - 18. 10. 1909 Casola Valsenio [influenced only by Hegel’s Philosophy iof History, some say he was a predecessor of italian fashism]
Quental, Antero Tarquínio de, portugies. Lyriker u. Schriftsteller,
18. 4. 1842 Ponte Delgada/Ilha Terceira (Azoren) -
- 1893 Ponte Delgada [influences of Hegel, Micheket, Proudhon, Hugo, Heine, Schopenhauer]
Rozanov, Vasilij Vasil’evic, russ. Schriftsteller und Kritiker, 20.
- 1856 Vetluga (ehem. Gouv. Kostroma) - 5. 2. 1919 Sergiev Posad
- Samarin, Jurij Fedorovic, russ. Schriftsteller, 21. 4. 1819 Petersburg - 19. 3. 1876 Berlin
- Sladkovic, Andrej (eig. Ondrej Braxatoris), slovak. Dichter, 30. 3. 1820 Krupina - 20. 4. 1872 Radvan
- Solomos, Dionysios, neugriech. Dichter, zwischen 15. 3. u. 15. 4. 1798 Zante - 9. 2. 1857 Korfu [deeply influenced by Hegel and Schelling]
- Stur, L’udovít, slovak. Dichter und Aesthetiker, 29.10.1815 Uhrovec - 12. 1. 1856 Modern
- Suchovo-Kobylin, Aleksandr Vasil’evic, russ. Dramatiker, 29. 9. 1817 im ehem. Gouv. Moskau - 24. 3.1903 Beaulieu (Frankreich)
- Turgenev, Ivan Sergeevic, russ. Erzaehler, 9. 11. 1818 Orel - 3. 9. 1883 Bougival b. Paris [studied Hegelian philosophy in Berlin 1838-41. the late Turgenev is influenced by Schopenhauer]
- Villiers de l’Isle-Adam, Jean-Marie Mathias Philippe-Auguste, Comte de, franz. Schriftsteller, 7. 11.1838 St.-Brieuc - 18. 8. 1889 Paris [influenced by E.A.Poe, R.Wagner and Hegel]
A question remains probably what qualifies a poet / writer to be labeled Hegelian. And do we use the same mesures as with philosophers or do we apply more relaxed measures here? The measures is probably more relaxed here.
So I included in the list all those writers from the two books, where the biography (usually 1-2 pages long only) cares to mention a Hegelian influence, either from a study of Hegelian philosophy in their youth and/or a tracable (but not necessary exclusive) influence by Hegelian thoughts in their work.